Political Problems Of Implementing Proportional Election Systems In Indonesia: From Political Liberalization To Political Party Oligarchies

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Abd Hannan
Munari Kustanto


This study examines the dynamics of implementing the proportional system in Indonesian elections and the political problems arising from doing so. The qualitative approach of the research aims to analyse the application of proportional representation, the role and position of political parties, the electorate and their representatives, and the pattern of relations among these actors. From the political and sociological theory perspective, it is argued that Indonesia has been using proportional representation for its elections since 1955. Both approaches have weaknesses in practice. The weakness of a closed proportional system lies in the dominance of political parties in recruiting and participating in politics, which can lead to oligarchic practices. Political parties exercise considerable power over the selection of nominees. An important issue regarding the closed proportional system is strengthening political liberalisation practices. Overall, the growth of transactional or money politics in party elites and among voters is characteristic of the problem of political liberalisation.

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