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Afiryal Nabila
Ekanita Desiani
Henry Budiawan Prasetya
Avina Firliyani Vanesha


Pre-eclampisa is a complication condition of patients at 20 weeks of pregnancy. Based on data from the Pekalongan Regency Health Office, the number of pre-eclampsia patients increases every year. Pre-eclampsia patients need to be given antihypertensive therapy in lowering blood pressure and reducing the high risk of pre-eclampsia. Evaluating the suitability of antihypertensive treatment in pre-eclampsia at RSI PKU Muhammadiyah Pekajangan with the right drug, right indications, right dose, and right patient is the purpose of this study. The research was conducted in a non-experimental manner that was descriptive analysis. Data was collected by retrospective method from medical records at the inpatient installation of RSI PKU Muhammadiyah Pekajangan for the July-December 2022 period of 31 patients. The patient criteria are inclusion criteria where severe pre-eclampsia patients without comorbidities and receive antihypertensive treatment. The research data were analyzed quantitatively. The results showed the suitability of the drug based on the right patient by 96.77%, the right indication by 96.77%, the right drug by 96.77%, and the right dose by 100%. Severe pre-eclampsia patients used more antihypertensive monotherapy and drug suitability results was 97.57%. The government needs to collaborate among stakeholders such as the Health Service, Hospitals, Community Health Centers, Midwives, Districts, and Sub-Districts by approaching the community for screening of pregnant women. The collaboration is expected to encourage more comprehensive health data collection of pregnant women, encourage public awareness about the health of pregnant women, measure the effectiveness of pre-eclampsia treatment, develop consistent and quality pre-eclampsia handling protocols, as well as monitoring, mentoring and evaluating the health condition of pregnant women.

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