Leading Sector and Feasibility of Expanding Kapuas Raya From West Kalimantan

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This study was conducted to examine leading sectors, inequality and the feasibility of expanding Kapuas Raya from West Kalimantan, using the Klassen Typology Analysis, Location Question (LQ) and Williamson Index methods. The research results show that Melawi Regency has five superior sectors, Sekadau Regency has five superior sectors, Kapuas Hulu has only one superior sector. Five sectors are included in the leading sector category in Sintang Regency, only Sanggau Regency does not have a leading sector. The LQ test shows that Sanggau Regency only has four basic sectors, Melawi ten basic sectors, Sekadau Regency seven basic sectors, Kapuas Hulu Regency has eight basic sectors and Sintang Regency eight basic sectors. The Williamson Index results show that five regions have low scores, namely 0.064 in 2015 and 0.070 in 2020, the lowest is Sintang Regency at 0.00140 followed by Sekadau at 0.00613. The results of the Feasibility Test for Expansion, West Kalimantan and five other regions are in the category of regions that are not suitable for expansion based on three indicators, namely the Regional Financial Index, Economic Growth and Human Development Index.

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