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Chika Amalia
Rangga Putra Nugraha
Eka Ardiani Putri


Handwashing is a disease-prevention measure. Infections acquired by patients during treatment procedures and medical procedures in health services after more than 48 hours and less than 30 days out of health facilities are referred to as Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Because they are with the patient 24 hours a day, health personnel are the most vulnerable to infection transmission. Handwashing noncompliance has an impact on the occurrence of HAIs. Counseling aims to raise health workers' knowledge in order to avoid HAIs, improve service quality, and patient safety, as well as boost health workers' competence. The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of handwashing counseling utilizing audiovisual media on the level of handwashing knowledge among health professionals at Tanjungpura University Pontianak Hospital. approach: A pre-experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design was employed as the study approach. All health staff at Tanjungpura University Hospital Pontianak were included in the study. Cluster sampling was used to choose the 53 health workers for the study. The test used for bivariate analysis is the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the average score of respondents before counseling was 66.75. After counseling, the average score of respondents rose to 90.56. Education using audiovisual media provides significant effectiveness in increasing hand washing knowledge

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