The Effectivity of E-WOM In Predicting Visit Intention to Pontianak City Bahasa Indonesia

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Rianti Ardana Reswari
Muchammad Ariffin
Puty Febriasari Prasetyo
Thea Geneveva Josephine Jesajas
Windi Pratiwi


Digitalisation is acceleration step for recovery in tourism sector. This research aimed to analyze the massive social media phenomenon as local tourism opportunity by creating digital interaction or known as Electronic Word-of-Mouth (E-WOM). E-WOM perceived as the source of public reference before deciding to visit a destination. In deciding the preffered destination site commonly potential visitor is considering city image from another tourist information and experience. Pontianak City is capital city in West Kalimantan that has offered tourist with multi ethinc culture and culinary. Primary data is obtained by distributing online questionnaire to targeted 100 respondents as sample. PLS-SEM with WarpPLS 7.0 was employed to analyzing research data and hypothesis. All the hypothesis is accepted however visit intention is strengthening through mediating effect from city image and attitude toward E-WOM. It is advised to government institutions able to considerate the formation of the city's image through infrastructure development and the social media utilization in Pontianak City. The practical implication for local business tourist attraction in order to formulate the E-WOM components in marketing strategy.

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