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Aulianissa Pujiasari
Rini Andriani
Willy Handoko


The limited skill level of children requires doctors to communicate appropriately, so educational materials must also be delivered to parents for patient and parent understanding. To fill the information gap, the educational materials provided to pediatric patients and their parents depend on the doctor-patient interactive communication model. This study was conducted to determine the types of educational materials and duration of education commonly provided by pediatricians. This study was also conducted to find out the educational media that can be used and the obstacles faced by pediatricians in providing education to patients. This research is descriptive with a questionnaire instrument and involved 33 pediatricians as respondents. Most pediatricians in West Kalimantan spend 10-20 minutes of consultation time with patients; most other doctors apply digital media in providing education. Generally, educational materials are differentiated by age range.

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