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Sukma Ariyani
Uray Lusiana


Aloe vera products are one of the most popular food souvenirs from Pontianak. The existence of microbial and metal contamination in a food product can have a negative impact on health. This study aims to determine whether or not there are microbial and metal contaminants in aloe vera beverage products in the market of Pontianak City. The research approach was carried out descriptively with experimental methods through the analysis of contamination and metals in the product samples at the Pontianak Industrial Baristand Assorted Commodity Laboratory. There were 8 samples of aloe vera drinks tested. The results obtained were that from 8 samples of aloe vera drinks tested, there was 1 sample whose total plate count microbial contamination test results (ALT) and yeast fungi exceeded the specified quality standards. The test result of microbial contamination parameter Coliform and the metal contamination test results show the results that meet the established quality standards.

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