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Heru Agus Cahyanto


Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosch. var rubrum) is a medicinal raw material widely used in traditional
medicinal industry. The standardization of red ginger is carried out to ensure the quality of raw materials for
traditional medicine. This study was conducted to determine the quality of red ginger planted on peatlands in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan by setting specific and non-specific parameters based on the
Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Spesific parameters such organoleptic determined by senses, solubility
by gravimetri and chemical content by TLC profile. The results showed that red ginger simplicia had a yield of
10.9%, loss on drying 9.5%, total ash 12,62%, acid insoluble ash 2.23%, water soluble extract 21.96% and
ethanol soluble extract 9.33%. The red ginger ethanol extract had a yield of 9.52%, water content 10.2%, total
ash content of 1.24%, and acid insoluble ash content of 0.83%. TLC results on red ginger simplicia contained
eugenol compound

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