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Endang Kristiawati
Reni Widyastuti
Arif Parabi


Based on statistical data, there is an increase in the number of tourists visiting West Kalimantan. This shows the potential in the tourism sector. The purpose of this study is to find out the form and direction of policy in implementing tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach that can provide an overview of conditions naturally and as they are with independent interview analysis tools. The results showed synergy and collaboration between regional managers, local communities, and local governments in conservation management as well as natural tourist destinations. Tourism development really requires development mapping with the support of pentahelix which is integrated and synergized between the provincial government, city/district, village and private sector as well as investors. So that this requires each city/district to make plans which are included in the city/district RIPPARDA, promotional efforts through branding and tourism agendas as well as infrastructure improvement policies

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